Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For Exam

Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences:


1. The viral infection cycle that will cause viral DNA to became integrated into bacterial DNA is called
      a. Lysogenic cycle                    b. Lysozyme cycle
      c. lytic cycle                               d. Lysel cycle
2. Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is
     a. Mesogamy     b. basigamy        c. Dichogamy         d. porogamy
3. The first acceptor of co2 in c4 pathway is
   a. RuBP carboxylate   b. PEP carboxylase   c. RuBP oxygenase   d. RUBP       carboxylase
4. Transportation of food in higher plants take place through
   a. Tracheids                      b. Transfussion tissue
    c. companion cells        d. sieve elements
5. Glycosylation is carried out by :
  a. mitochondria      b. peroxisome       c. Endoplasmic reticulum    d. ribosomes
6. which is edible fungus
   a. penicillium    b. Rhizopus      c. Mucor       d. Agaricus
7. The concept of ecosystem was given by
   a. E. P  Odum                    b. Carl Linnaeus
   c. Charles Darwin            d. A. G Tanslay
8. Ability of a plant or animal cell to repeadly divide and differentiate into a complete organism is
  a. cloning       b. Breeding      c. cellular totipotancy      d. mitosis
9. sexual reproduction in spirogyra is
   a. Isogamous    b. oogamous    c. Anisogamous      d. heterogamous
10. cell becomes turgid when placed in
    a.Hypertonic solution
   b. Isotonic solution
   c. In air
   d. Hypotonic
11. Ascent of sap is due to
    a. osmosis            b. Diffusion              c. Transpiration   d. guttation
12. Pneumatophores is a modified
     a. root     b. stem     c. Leaf     d. Thallus


Hints and Solution
1. a. lysogenic cycle : viral infection cycle in which genetic material DNA of virus is incorporated with the host cell DNA
  Lytic cycle: viral infection cycle in which virus particle divided rapidly and come out of the host cell by rupturing host cell thus killing if eg coliphase T2 and T4
2. d. misogamy : entry of pollen tube through integument
        Basigamy : entry of pollen tube through the basal part of ovule i.e. chalaza
        Dichogamy : maturation of sex at different interval of the time
        Porogamy : entry of pollen tube through michropile ( kmost common )
3. b. first stable product of c4 plant is oxalo-Acetic acid (OAA)
        First stable product of c3 plants is 3- phospoglyceric acid
        First stable carbohydrate of c3 plants is 3- PGA( phospogleceric acid )
4. d. Transportation of food material is done by phloem and in higher plant transportation is done through sieve elements
Campenion cells are only found in angiosperm
5. c. Glycosidation and glycosylation are first started in ER
        Membrane factory of the cell is ER
        Cell wall formation is done by GB
6. d. Agaricus belongs to Basidomycetes
7. a. concept of bianomial nomencleature : Linnaeus
   Origin of species : charls Darwin
     Concept of ecology : Reiter
8. c. progeny of single plant obtained by vegetative propagation is called clone
9. a. sexual reproduction in mucor is also isogamous
     Sexual reproduction in plasmodium is anisogamous
10. d. isotonic solution : when the concentration of the solution is equal to the cell sap
     Hypotonic solution : concentration of the solution is lower than the cell sap
     Hypertonic solution : concentration of the solution is higher than that of cell     sap
11. c. path of ascent of sap in gymnosperm is trachids
12. a. pneumatopores are also called respiratory or brearhing root and present in mangrove plants
They grow vertically upward showing negative geotropism

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