Top 5 Functions of Appendix

Is Apendix Vestigial in our Body?


Unlike what the majority believe, your vermiform appendix/ cecal appendix has some vital functions in human body.

For years physicians believed your appendix was a vestigial organ rather like your wisdom teeth and tailbone. While we still have these body parts, it looks as if theydon't do much within the modern body. But here is that the twist your appendix is way over just a ticking time bomb in your abdomen.

A study examined the evolutionary basis for the appendix in mammal species and therefore the results showed that the appendix evolved a minimum of 30 times among different lineages over the past eleven million years and once the organ appeared it absolutely was never lost.

That's one stubborn organ.

So why did the appendix keep reappearing in humans across millions of years?


Is it good for before you decide to remove your appendix without a good reason?

Removal of Appendix

Have a look at the top five important functions of the appendix in humans: 

1. The appendix strengthens and supports the system. Your appendix incorporates a high concentration of immune cells within its walls and functions as a lymphoid organ.

Lymphoid organs help within the maturation of immune cells called lymphocytes. The human appendix helps within the maturation of specific lymphocytes called B-cells.

These B cells are to blame for producing antibodies that attack the invading bacteria viruses and toxins that are harmful to your body. Your appendix is additionally involved within the production of certain molecules that help direct the movement of lymphocytes to numerous other locations within the body a kind of antibody called IgA or IgA is produced within the appendix.

2. This antibody plays a vital role and mucosal immunity. Your appendix is additionally a storehouse for beneficial bacteria these good bacteria help the gut live through infections and protect the intestines from further infection by harmful bacteria.

Research shows that individuals whose appendix has been removed are fourfold more likely to own a recurrence of a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, fever, nausea, and abdominal pain.

3. Appendix is additionally believed to assist fetuses to develop. the event of the appendix begins during the fifth fetal week and shows very rapid development early in life. it's at its longest in childhood and diminishes in size throughout adulthood.

4. Special cells called endocrine cells to appear within the appendix of the human fetus at the eleventh week of development. These special cells within the fetal appendix produce important neurotransmitters and hormones which help in various biological control mechanisms and metabolic processes that are needed for normal development.

5. Finally the appendix is utilized in various repair procedures for parts of the gastrointestinal system. The appendix may be wont to replace the sphincter muscles and as uterus which permits urine to be due to the kidneys to the bladder.

The flexibility of the appendix is remarkable and it's one in every of the few organs that may shift its function.

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That is why the appendix which was once considered a vestigial is now a backup for various reconstructive surgical techniques.

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Diabetes: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

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  1. so what may be the consequences of appendectomy ?

    1. Not anything serious but good to have than get removed

  2. Doesn't really matter to get removed
