Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences:
1. In meiosis cell division, nuclear membrane disappears
and chromosomes are separated during
a. Prophase b. Anaphase c.
Interphase d. Metaphase
reproduces by :
a. Vegetative only b. vegetative and fragmentation
c. Budding d.
gamete formation
3. Endosperm in Gymnosperm is :
a. Haploid b. diploid c.
Triploid d. polyploidy
4. Moss capsule is
a. Sporophyte b. Saprophytes
c. gametophytes d. both saprophytes and sporophytes,
5. Syngenesious androecium and inferior ovary is found in
compositae b. Solanaceae c. malvaceae
d. Cruciferae
6. Prothallus of the fern is :
haploid b. diploid c. triploid d. polyploidy
7. Vascular bundle of dicot stem is :
Radial b. exarch c. endarch d. mesarch
8. The genetic cross between pure red and
pure white genes :
a. all red b. red and white in 3:1 ratio
a. all red b. red and white in 3:1 ratio
c. all white d. red and white in 9:3:3:1 ratio
9. Cusuta is
a. parasite b.
saprophyte c. symboint d. holophyte
Zygospore in spirogyra is
Haploid b. diploid c.
polyploid d. none
11. plant
absorbs water by :
a. root cap
b. root hairs
c. zone of maturation
d. zone of elongation
12. Helianthus
anus species belong to family:
a. liliaceae b. Asteraceae
c. solanaceae d. poaceae

Hints and Solutions
1. b. In
mitotic anaphase sister chromatids of the chromosomes separate. 2. b. Fragmentation, hormogonia, akinetes, and heterosis are the mode of reproduction in nostoc
3. a. endosperm in gymnosperm is haploid because it forms before fertilization but that of angiosperm is triploid because it forms after fertilization.
4. a. the capsule has chlorophyll (in its apophasis) , sterile columella, peristome (for dispersal), etc.
5. a. syngenesious stamen = only anthers fused
3. a. endosperm in gymnosperm is haploid because it forms before fertilization but that of angiosperm is triploid because it forms after fertilization.
4. a. the capsule has chlorophyll (in its apophasis) , sterile columella, peristome (for dispersal), etc.
5. a. syngenesious stamen = only anthers fused
stamen = only filaments fused e.g. Diadelphous*(9+1) stamens of Papilionaceae
6. a. A gametophyte with archegonia ( upper ) and antheridia (lower ) protonima= filamentous gives moss gametophyte
7. C. Endarch / centrifugal – protoxylem towards pericycle, that of root – exarch / centripetal # Exarch – protoxylem towards pericycle and metaxylem towards pith region.
8. a. the red color is completely dominant, the F2 generation is 3 red: 2 white color as in mirabilis gives pink colored flowers in F1 and red:pink: white =1:2:1 in F2.
9. a. total stem parasites = Cuscuta , partial stem parasite = Loranthus , Viscum # total root parasite = rafflesia , blanopara, striga
10 . b. zygospore of spirogyra is 3 layered neck canal cell of Marchantia is haploid nick canel cell of fern is single and binucleated.
12. b. Helianthus anus = sunflower – of Asteraceae/ Compositae
6. a. A gametophyte with archegonia ( upper ) and antheridia (lower ) protonima= filamentous gives moss gametophyte
7. C. Endarch / centrifugal – protoxylem towards pericycle, that of root – exarch / centripetal # Exarch – protoxylem towards pericycle and metaxylem towards pith region.
8. a. the red color is completely dominant, the F2 generation is 3 red: 2 white color as in mirabilis gives pink colored flowers in F1 and red:pink: white =1:2:1 in F2.
9. a. total stem parasites = Cuscuta , partial stem parasite = Loranthus , Viscum # total root parasite = rafflesia , blanopara, striga
10 . b. zygospore of spirogyra is 3 layered neck canal cell of Marchantia is haploid nick canel cell of fern is single and binucleated.
12. b. Helianthus anus = sunflower – of Asteraceae/ Compositae