Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For Entrance

Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences:



1. Imbibition theory of ascent of sap was given by 1
    a. sachs        b. J. c Bose                 c. Dixon and joly            d. strassburger
2. common mode of reproduction in yeast is,
    a. fission      b. budding                  c. conjugation                d. regeneration
3. Phyllode is the modification of
    a. stem        b. root                         c. leaf                                 d. fruit
4. Endosperm of cycas is
   a. haploid    b. diploid       c. triploid          d. none
5. The type of fruit in cucumber is 
    a. pome      b. pepo         c. hesperdium      d. caryopsis  
6. vivipary is a type of     
  a. germination        b. pollination      c. fertilization         d. respiration
7. Ganongs photometer is an instrument which measures the rate of :
   a. photosynthesis   b. respiration      c. transpiration       d. growth
8. In photosynthesis oxygen is liberated due to
   a. hydrolysis of carbohydrates
   b. photolysis of water
   c. syngenesis of anther
   d. Fruit cypsela
9. capsicum annum belongs to the family :
 a. Malvaceae          b. solanaceae          c. Leguminosae       d. Liliceae           
10. vascular bundle in maize is
  a. collateral and open
  b. collateral and closed
 c. radial and open
 d. bicollateral and open
11. Transfusion tissue is present in
a. cycas         b. pinus         c. both   d. none
12. which of the following is motile spore


                                             Hints & Solutions
1. a. J.C Bose – pulsation theory , Dixan and Jolly – cohesion tension theory , Godleweski – Relay pump theory
2. b. commonest mode of reproduction in bacteria is fission
3. c. phyllode = flattened petiole or rachis of leaf
            Pulvinaus = swollen leaf base e. g. Leguminosae
4. a.  its endosperm develops before fertilization but that of angiosperm is triploid
5. b. lichi= third aril , pepo = cucurbitaceae eg cucumber , Drupe – mango , berry – solanaceae family , pome- apple , pear etc
6.a.  vivipary is found in halophytes
·        Rate of transpiration is more on the lower surface of dorsiventral leaf in mesophytic plants
·        Photometer =to measure the rate of transpiration
·        Porometer =to measure the degree of stomatal opening
8. b.     9. b. ladys finger – albomoschus esculantus and hibiscus rosasinensis = china rose  liliaceae = yucca, Draceana, colchicum, allium cepa, smilax, aloe
10. b. Atscostele :many and scattered vascular bundles
            Eustele : vascular bundle are organized
11. c.  Gymnosperm has transfusion tissue instead of veins in their leaves that conduct nutrients
12. c. fruit is ripened ovary. Ovule is integumented megasproingium.

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