How to lose body weight?
Body weight is defined as the measurement of weight without items/accessories such as mobile phones, shoes and wallets with the use of various measuring tools and equipment's. Moderate /optimum weight provides physiology in a conscious condition. Body has its own resilience you wanted to run is not just physiological sometimes it may be when the body at some time it is disturbed at that time it may be otherwise in normal conditions it is more a psychological condition then a physiological condition. Why are you finding yourself ? this is simply because you understand life is an accumulation i.e. body is an accumulation, mind is an accumulation but life is not an accumulation it's a phenomenon that is happening if you have not tested the phenomena you know only accumulations you always think the safety is an accumulation weather is wealth / money this that and body but at least your money you can keep it in the bank do it it may be have in your mind but if you accumulate too much body you have to carry it around every moment of your life. In the world, today 30% of the population is mal-nourished and around the same percentage of people are obese / overweight so you can fix it. Well, we know by increasing our muscle tone our essentially holding fat in with muscle so they haven’t reduced the fat around the waist but it does give a thinner appearance hence the 2cm reduction.
Do you want to lose weight, improve your blood sugar levels, get fitter or manage your lipid profile? for all of these, and to basically improve your overall health and fitness, it is important to eat nutritionally denser food. so, by cutting down unnecessary calories you can see significant improvement in the way you feel and perform. You must consult a specialist, expertise or nutritionist for proper weight loss in healthy way. The mechanism of functioning of body cells differ from one another. So, according to our state of body and according to the various test like blood test/fecal matter test, we can go for a healthy diet plan. Losing weight is not a big deal but losing weight in a healthy way is important that means with losing weight the immunity level alters in the body with various physiological mechanism. It also increases energy level, bowel function, gastro intestinal motility, sleep activities. We need to loose fats not the muscle mass. Muscle mass is important role to have energy and the strength in the body. We should not go for weight loss but go for fat loss. Weight loss is not a big issue but fat loss is. Fiber content also plays important role in bowel movement that lead to constipation if its level is not maintained. Obesity can lead to a number of serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.
Three major factors are involve in body's weight alteration. They are:
Water retention : Its better to go for organic salt with standard level of iodine component. Water intake 35 ml of water per kg of body weight is required per day. If water level is not maintained, toxins/wastes will not removed . So body enough requires abundant water. Water weight gain occurs when extra water is stored in the tissue or between blood vessels. There are a number of factors that can cause water retention including consuming high amounts of sodium or carbohydrates, dehydration, lifestyle, hormones, medication, or even the weather.
Fats percentage: We want to loose fats concentrated in the belly. Its not one size fit for all. It differs based on your body's physiological conditions. Body weight includes body fat and all other components of your body including bone, organs, fluid, muscle, etc. Body fat is typically shown as a percentage of your total weight. For example, someone weighing 200 lbs. with 20% body fat has ~40 pounds of fat (20% of 200=40).
Muscle mass loss condition : Thus, heavier individuals have greater lean mass, and because strength is related to mass, heavier individuals of all ages are also generally stronger when asked to perform simple tests of muscle strength.
Most Reliable Tips to Lose Body Weight
1. Do not drink your calories :
Do you prefer having a fruit smoothie over eating fruits ?Do you prefer having soups when you eat out instead of eating those vegetables? if yes then this is your first step towards cutting on a lot of calories. Fruits and vegetables have fibre which when you eat, keeps you satiated for a longer time. when you start drinking a sweet fruit beverage, then what happens if you are not just loading up on a lot of calories but it can also actually increases your hunger and the next time you eat you will probably end up overeating. Now you can start eating your calories and avoid drinking them and see the world of difference in your fitness levels.
2. Regular exercises:
Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases. Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent a heart attack. In addition, if you exercise, you lower your risk of developing certain types of cancers such as colon and breast cancer. Exercise is also known to help contribute to a sense of confidence and well-being, thus possibly lowering rates of anxiety and depression. Exercise is helpful for weight loss and maintaining weight loss. Exercise can increase metabolism, or how many calories you burn in a day. It can also help you maintain and increase lean body mass, which also helps increase number of calories you burn each day. Experts recommend working all the major muscle groups three times per week. This includes: abs, back, biceps, calves, chest, forearms, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, traps, triceps, etc.
3. Yoga :
Yoga is not as intense as other types of exercise, but it can help you lose weight in other ways. various yoga can be perform to lose weight.
Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose.
Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose.
Trikonasana – Triangle pose.
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog pose.
Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose.
Parivrtta Utkatasana – Twisted Chair pose.
Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
3. Use smaller plates:
this can be a very practical, simple and very efficient beneficial tip so what the survey says is that today's plates are on an average 44% larger than what they were actually in the 80s doesn't that like so much so what you can do is the next time your eating in a buffet, try serving the main course on the dessert place or the bowls because they are obviously much smaller compared to the main course ones. you will probably just be surprised to see how you did not overeat.4. Eat slowly:
What happens is if you start taking longer to eat a meal, you will probably cut down on a lot of unnecessary calories but what happens if you start eating slowly, you will cut down on a lot of calories. Are you wondering how? it's because fast eaters actually turned to eat larger portion than their bodies requirement. This is because it takes a approximately 20 minutes for your brain to register sending out Signals of fullness. Leisurely eating allows ample of time to trigger the signal from your brain that you are full. So, in this way you'll probably eat a smaller portions which helps to lose weight.
5. Serve a quarter of what you can eat:
we are just so used to filling up our plates completely and then get to eating, right you probably have to do the opposite which start with you only small portion sizes so serve only a quarter of you can eat.
6. Add protein to every meal:
if you're having a breakfast option like Paratha or even Idly with Chutney it clearly lacks a sufficient amount of protein. so, what this leads to overeating but also makes you crave for a lot of snacks in no time. so what you want to do is start adding a source of protein in every meal that you eat especially the main meals which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, to see the difference
7. Learn to read food labels :
so you know if you doing a lot of convenience food and if that comes really handy to most of us then it is important that is start understanding the food labels especially also if you are not able to cook at home or you also do not have a lot of access to Fresh Food if you are someone who is overly dependent on packaged and convenience food on a regular basis, it's important to read food labels and choose the relatively better option so what do you mean by that so you know check for the first three to five ingredients and avoid the ones which have a lot of sugar or its alternative or even safe vegetable oil or salt or its derivatives as the first three ingredients.
8. To maintain a food diary:
The best way to cut down on unnecessary calories is to keep a track of them. Have you been hearing this way to often but not being able to actually implemented it? then this is the right time you to start. when you are accountable for what you eat you will actually it for my family and a lot more responsible for maintaining a food diary helps you to avoid being bringing you out of boredom and stress in between work meetings. don't we all do that very often? So you will start realizing that you are probably eating a lot more than what your body really required are also more than what you think you are eating, its people think that eating less but they actually would be eating a lot of food. A food diary will help you keep a track of this.
9. Take half food home when you are eating out :
If you are eating out or ordering in food as there are high chances that you are actually overeating. one study has found that people who successfully maintain weight loss often share food or order half portion when they ate out. So, restaurant Serve standard portions applicable for people with varying appetite, activity levels and even requirements. This may probably be much more than your requirement or general appetite. So from the next time you either go to split your food to two meals. If not neither of these work out.
10. Limit toppings and dressing:
A colorful salad is probably mostly the go-to choice for someone looking to cut down on a lot of extra calories or even if you're looking to lose weight, by vegetable definitely keep you stay satiated which is without a doubt but did you know the more your choice of toppings in a salad bowl or higher is your chances of calorie consumption and lesser your chances of losing weight. as you know, cheese crumbles caramelized nuts bacon avocado dried fruit vinaigrette all of these can actually start adding a lot of calories so what you got to do is take to use only one of your most favorite toppings and remember to also cut down on the pressing by half this should really do a lot especially for eating very often.
11. Make fat sources your best friend
It is important. when they are all chances that you start loading a one can so the next time you feel like having chocolate after meal try having a couple of nuts so it could be walnuts Almonds, roasted peanuts, cashews accept best part but is a very low in calories compared to chocolate.
12. The cheat your cheat me rule:
You heard it right this is actually one of the most favorite if you eat out from your general cream eating then you can actually a smaller portion of this way your actually not ravenously hungry when your eating out so this way you can actually cut down on hundreds of calories.
Lack of sleep is actually linked to eating a larger portion craving for sugar in party food for the resources is that well rested people are actually most a shaded and also a lot more mindful of what they eat and also how much day picks schedule . This is going to be the perfect companion for you to guide you towards good health whether it is to use we get diet plans and nutrition tips handle your medical condition with diabetic hypothyroidism or hypertension or even if you're looking at building muscle.
Processed foods are usually high in added sugars, added fats and calories. Processed foods lead to weight gain, but it's about more than calories. So, you must avoid processed food like spicy noodles, biscuits ,etc.
14. Drink Water :
Drinking water may facilitate weight loss and encourage other positive health outcomes. "Water is critical in every cellular activity of our body from head to toe," Huggins says. "Staying hydrated helps the body run more efficiently and helps us feel better. If water level is not maintained, toxins/wastes will not removed . So body enough requires abundant water. Water weight gain occurs when extra water is stored in the tissue or between blood vessels. There are a number of factors that can cause water retention including consuming high amounts of sodium or carbohydrates, dehydration, lifestyle, hormones, medication, or even the weather.
How to make a home made drinks to lose body weight naturally?
Most of us want to loss body weight, natural home made drinks is one way which can assist you to losing your body weight safely. Natural recipes play important role in maintaining body weight. Firstly, we will deal with 3 major natural ingredients i.e. lemon, ginger and honey.
Role of lemon: it has got wonderful effect on weight lose .It helps to eliminate toxins from the body and it also boost your glow.
Role of honey: It has multiple health benefits. It helps to break down large bulk of fats and helps to loose weight faster. Honey acts as a fuel to make the liver produce glucose. This glucose keeps the brain sugar levels high and forces it to release fat burning hormones. To benefit from the honey diet, simply replace your sugar intake with honey, throughout the day.
Role of Ginger: Ginger has amazing medicinal significance. It helps to stimulate your body's fat burning mechanism so, thereby it burns calories faster for weight loss . Here is a simple and very effective method that help to loose your body weight effectively. Ginger can enhance calorie burn and reduce feelings of hunger, and that it's associated with weight loss in overweight adults. It's also been linked to positive changes in cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammatory proteins and liver health.
In order to prepare this detox drink, you will need:
- 3 tea spoon of lemon juice
- 2 tea spoon of fresh honey
- 2 tea spoon of fresh ginger juice
- 1 glass of lukewarm water
Now we need to mix every ingredients in water thoroughly mix it . You need to consume 2 glasses of this fat burning juice everyday for best desired result.
Is there is any activities other than exercise in order to loss body weight?
ReplyDeleteYes there are
DeleteYou may change your daily activities, way of eating and many more!
Everything is very clear in the blog.
Yes there are
ReplyDeleteYou may change your daily activities, way of eating and many more!
Everything is very clear in the blog.
Greatly covered all the aspects.
ReplyDeletegreat post
ReplyDeletethis is a complete plan to achieve weight loss