Lots of people emphasize the utility of advanced memory techniques like the memory palace, also known as the method of loci, or even simple mnemonic…
Read moreMeditation, Mindfulness and Aspects of Life: Meditation and mindfulness have gained a great deal of popularity over the past few years, and for good …
Read moreHow to focus while Studying? There don’t seem to be enough hours in a day. While time management and efficiency are core components in getting more d…
Read moreCertificate in Dental Sciences (CDS) The Government of Nepal has called for the provision of basic health service to all by establishing a network o…
Read moreFinals week is quickly approaching and it’s crunch time. How you decide to manage your time and plan your studying over the next couple weeks will d…
Read moreReflecting back online medical school career, here are five things I wish I had known before my first day. Having these down will make the transitio…
Read moreTaking good notes, whether from class or from your textbook, is nuanced and messy. Unlike many other components to studying, like memorization techni…
Read moreIf you like science, it’s not unreasonable to be weighing your options in becoming an engineer versus a doctor. But which is better financially …
Read moreStudy Techniques : Good, Bad and Useless There’s a great deal of misinformation and resulting confusion in the world of study strategies and optimiz…
Read moreWouldn’t school be so much easier if you could get through all those tedious reading assignments three times faster? Wouldn’t it be so much more fun…
Read moreWhether you're a morning person or a night owl, you'll likely have to wake up earlier than you're used to if you decide to go into the me…
Read moreHealth I nsurance P lan T ypes: C hoose the right one. If You've bee…
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