Zoology Frequently Asked MCQs For Entrance Exam

Zoology Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences

Set 3 : Zoology     

1.Which deals with structural organizations and morphology of animals?
a)       Ethology
b)      euthenics
c)       tectology
d)      trophology
2.In Nucleic acids, Nucleotides are joined by:-
a)       Peptide
b)      hydrogen bond
c)       phosphate group
d)      Glycosidic bond
3.The avascular part of the eye is:-
a)       Choroid
b)      Retina
c)       Cornea
d)      Iris
4.All of the following Helminthes are related to soil transmission except:-
a)       Trichuris trichuria
b)      Hymenolepsis nana
c)       Ascaris lumbricoides
d)      Enterobius vermicularis
5.Cavity that appears during embryogenesis of frog is:-
a)       Blastocoel
b)      archenteron
c)       coelom
d)      alimentary
6.Structure that provides nutrition to spermatozoa:-
a)       VAs deferens
b)      seminal vesicle
c)       sertoli cells
d)      leydig cells
7.Locomotory organ in starfish is:-
a)       Tentacles
b)      feet
c)       water vascular system
d)      cilia
8.Myelin sheath is the covering of:-
a)       Gl tract
b)      cardiac muscles
c)       skeletal muscles
d)      axon of nerve cell
9.Body segment of Taenia solium is:-
a)       proglottid
b)      scolex
c)       rostellum
d)      acetabulum
10.Head of the cockroach is formed by the fusion of:-
a)       3 segments
b)      4 segments
c)       6 segments
d)      7 segments
11.Most primitive placental mammal is:-
a)       Platypus
b)      bat
c)       shrew
d)      mouse
12.spider belongs to the class
a)       crustacae
b)      insecta
c)       arthopoda
d)      arachnida
1         13.   Patella cap is present in:-
a)       knee
b)      wrist
c)       ulna
d)      elbow
1         14.   The color of urine is yellow due to :-
a)       Urinoid
b)      Urochrome
c)       Billirubin
d)      Billiverdin
1         15.   Infefctive stage of entamoeba histolytica is :-
a)       Cyst
b)      egg
c)       merozoite
d)      trophozoite
1         16.   Tear following eye is drained into:-
a)       oral cavity
b)      nasal cavity
c)       ear
d)      peptic ulcer

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