Botany Frequently Asked MCQs :

Botany Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences

Set 2 Botany

1.Phyllode is the modification of:                                  
a.Stem                   b.Root                                                  
c.Petiole                 d.Branches                                          
2.Nostoc is found symbiotic with:                                           
a.Anabaena              b.Aulosira
c.Anthoceros          d.All                                                       
3.The term ‘ecology’ was given by:                                   
a.Reiter                   b.Haeckel                                               
c.Odum                    d.None
4.Aleurone layer is rich in:                                              
a.Fat                         b.Starch                                              
c.Protein                   d.Vitamin                                          
5.Lichens are the indicator of:                                        
a.Air pollution         b.Water pollution                              
c.Land pollution       d.Sound pollution                             
6.Multiple fruits are found in:                                        
a.Mango                   b.Apple                                              
c.Mulberry                d.Grapes                                           
7.The study of animal behavior is known as:                
a.Ethology                b.Etiology                                          
c.Herpetology           d.Entomology                                  
8.Which of the following forms male gamete:              
a.Vegetative cells                                                             
b.Generative cells                                                            
c.Pollen grain                                                                   
9.Phospholipid bilayer is present in:
a.Neuron                b.Muscles
c.Cell membrane    d.Blood
10.Plant lice are:
a.Termites              b.amphids
c.locusts                   d.lac insects
11.Yeast cells are rich in vitamin:
a.Riboflavin             b.Biotin
c.Folate                     d.Ascorbic acid
12.’Botulism’ is done by:
a.E. coli                     b.Salmonella
c.Clostridium            d.Vibrio cholera
13.In the desert the camel can store extra water in the:
a.Omasum                b.Rumen
c.Coelom                   d.Intestine
14.The part of chromosome that takes part in crossing over is:
a.Cistron                    b.Recon
c.Muton                      d.Operon
15.Seed coat of embryo is
a.Cotyledon.        b.Testa
  c.Pericarp             d.Radical
16 All cells have:
 a.A cell wall and cytoplasm.
b.A nucleus and a cell wall
c.Cell membrane and cytoplasm
d.Vacuoles and centrioles

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