Confusing but Frequently Asked MCQs of Chemistry.

   Chemistry Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences.


  Set 1 Chemistry

11.  The V.D. of X is 4 times of Y. If molecular wt. of X is M then that of Y is
a.      M                           
b.       M/2
c.        4M                                    
d.       M/4
22.   Radioactivity is :
a.      Zero order                       
b.       1st order
c.       2nd order                          
d.      3rd order
33. Which of the following is the most basic compound:
a.      Acetanilide
b.      P-nitro aniline
c.       Benzylamine
d.      Aniline
44.The compound [Fe(CN)6]4-  has hybridization
a.      sp2
b.      sp3
c.       sp3d2
d.      sp
55. When NH4Cl is added to NH4OH, its pH:
a.      Decreases
b.      Remains unchanged
c.       Increases
d.      Zero
66.   In the following equilibrium
HCl + H2O              H3O+ + Cl- 
H2O is a base according to the:
a.      Classical concept
b.      Arrhenius concept
c.       Bronsted-Lowry concept
d.      Lewis concept
77.   Which of the following when reacted with water produces phenol?
a.      C6H5N-NCl
b.      C6H5-Cl
c.       C6H5CH2Cl
d.      C6H5-CHO
88.   Tear gas is :
a.      Chloretone
b.      Ethyl carbonate
c.       Chloropicrin
d.      Methylene chloride
99.  pH of 0.001 M HCl is:
a.      1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      0

    10.Max. no. of electrons in d subshell is:
a.      2
b.      6
c.       10
d.      14
111.  In which of the following compounds does hydrogen have negative valency?
a.      NH3
b.      H2O
c.       HCl
d.      NaH
112.  Amount of H2SO4 present in 500 cc. of 1.5 N H2SO4 soln. is
a.      4.9 gm
b.      49 gm
c.       24.8 gm
d.      36.75 gm
113.  Treatment of 1-phenylethanone with hydrazine in presence of sodium hydroxide produces ethyl benzene. This reaction is known as:
a.      Wolf kishner reduction
b.      Aldol condensation
c.       Clasien condensation
d.      Williamson's synthesis
114.  Which of the following contains 6x1022 atoms?
a.      12 gm of C
b.      3.2 gm of S
c.       24 gm of Mg
d.      36 gm of oxygen
115.  What is the correct order of electro negativity of the following halogens?
a.      Cl>Br>I>F
b.      F>Br>I>Cl
c.       F>Cl>Br>I
d.      Cl>F>I>Br
116.  75% of a 1st order rxn. was completed in 32 min, when was 50% of the rxn. completed?
a.      24 min
b.      16 min
c.       8 min
d.      4 min

                    Hints And Solutions
1.  VDx=4X, VDy=X, Mx=M, My=?
M.W. = 2 X V.D.
Mx/My = VDx/VDy
My = Mx.VDy/VDx = M X x/4x = M/4
2.  Radioactive decay is 1st order reaction
3.  Benzylamine
4.  sp3d2  
5.  Decreases
NH4OH               NH4+ + OH-
NH4Cl            NH4+ + Cl-
When NH4Cl is added to NH4OH soln., the above equilibrium will shift towards left because of high concentration of common ion (NH4+) and thus the ionization of NH4OH is further suppressed and pH decrease.
6.  Bronsted-Lowry concept
According to this concept, an acid is a proton donor and a base is the proton acceptor molecule.
7.  C6H5N-NCl
8.  Chloropicrin is used in tear gas.
CHCl3  + conc. HNO3             CCl3-NO2    +   H2C
Chloroform                            Chloropicrin
9.  pH = -log[H+] = -log[0.001] = -log10-3 = 3
10.  s :2, p ;6, d:10, f :14
11.  Oxidation no. of hydrogen is always +1 except in metal hydrides (LiH, NaH, CaH2).In metal hydrides hydrogen exhibits -1 oxidation no.
12.  Normality (N) = No. of equivalent / volume in liter
or,          1.5     =  x X 1000
                              49 X 500
or,  3/2 X  49   = 2x
or,  3X49 / 4    = x
 or,            x      =    36.75 gm
13.  Wolf kishner reduction: reduction of carbonyl compounds to alkanes by using hydrazine and KOH (alkaline soln.)
14.  32 gm of S contains = 6 X 1023 atoms of S
3.2 gm of S contains = (6X1023X3.2)/32
                                     =  6X1022 atoms
15.  c. F>Cl>Br>I
    The value of electronegativity decreases down the group.
16.  b. 16 min
t50% = t1/2                  t75% = 2t1/2

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