Physics Tough Frequently Asked MCQs

Physics Tough Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences

                         Set 1 Physics

      1.Divergence of gold is used to study
      a. Charge          b. Potential
c. Energy          d. None
2. A charge is kept in isotropic, homogeneous medium. The equipotent surface is
a. Spherical        b. Cylindrical
c. Elliptical          d. Parabolic
3. 1 lux is equivalent to
a. 1 Lumen/m2                  b. 1 Lumen/cm2
c. 1 Candela/m2                 d. 1 Candela/m2
4.  The time of flight of a projectile is 10 seconds and its range is 500 m. What will be the maximum height reached?
a. 250 m                        b. 125 m
c. 100 m                        d.  50 m
5. A dimensionless quantity
a. is always unit less                 b. may have a unit
c. Must have a unit                   d. None
6.  Work done by a frictional force is
a. Negative                b. Positive
c. Zero                       d. Infinity
7. which of the given is constant ?
a. g                    b. gr
c. gR2                 d. g2r
8. A pendulum clock is taken to top of a mountain, it will
a. Gain Time                  b. Lose time
c. Give correct time      d. stop giving time
9. Young's modulus of a perfectly elastic body is
a. Zero              b. Infinite
c. One                d. finite but less than one
10. Rain drops falls with constant velocity due to
a. Viscosity           b. buoyancy
c. gravity               d. surface tension
11. Good absorber of heat are
a. Poor emitter           b. non-emitters
c. good emitter          d. highly polished
12. Speed of sound is maximum in
a. mono-atomic gas                 b. diatomic gas
c. poly-atomic gas                   d. equal
13. Which of the following is not reversible?
a. Joule effect         b. Peltier's effect
c. Seebeck effect       d. Thomson effect
14. Permanent magnet are made up of
a. Steel     b. Soft iron
c. Copper   d. Tungsten

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