Chemistry Frequently Asked MCQs For Entrance

Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences of Chemistry:

Set 2 Chemistry

1.Dehydration is most easily possible in case of:
a)Tertiary alcohol
b)Primary alcohol
c)Secondary alcohol
2.Co-valent character of a transition metal increases with:
a)Decrease in ionization energy
b)Increase in oxidation state
c)Decrease in oxidation state
d)Increase in ionization energy
3.A toothpaste contains 0.2g/l fluoride. The value in ppm is:
a)150                         b)200
c)250                            d)400
4.How many isomeric ether can be formed from C4H12O?
a)2                                b)3
c)4                                d)5
5.Reactivity order of alkyl halide is:
a)RCl>RI>RBr            b)RI>RBr>RCl>
c)RCl>RBr>RI              d)RI>RCl>RBr
6.Which of the following is intermediate in chlorination of isobutene in presence of peroxide?
a)Tert-butyl free radical
c)Tert-butyl carbo cation
7.Calomel is:
a)Ferrous sulphate
b)Mercurious chloride
c)Ferric chloride
d)Zinc sulphate
8.Which has the highest knocking property?
a)Anomeric hydrocarbon
b)Branched chain olefins
c)Heterocyclic compounds
d)Straight chain olefins
9.Which of the following forms polymers of nylon thread?
a)Polyamide               b)Polyester
c)Poly vinyl                 d)Polyethene
10.The movement of dispersion medium under electric field is:
a)Electrophoresis     b)Electrolysis
c)Poly vinyl                d)Polyethene
11.Iodoethane reacts with alc.KCN and its complete hydrolysis forms:
a)Acetonitrile           b)Ethyl amine
c)Ethanamine       d)Propanoic acid
12.The third law of thermodynamics helps in calculation of:
a)Enthalpy changes
b)Absolute entrophy
c)Internal energy changes
d)Free energy changes
13.Two electrons in k-shell will differ in:
a)Principal quantum number
 b)Magnetic quantum number
c)Azimuthal quantum number
d)Spin quantum number
14.A gas decolorized alkaline KMnO4 solution but does not give precipitate with ammoniacal AgNO3 solution. The gas is :
a)Acetylene          b)Methane
c)Ethylene             d)Ethane
15.The volume of water to be added to 50 ml of a 4N HCl solution to obtain 1N solution is:
a)200 ml               b)100ml
c)150ml                 d)50 ml
16.Which of the following is a major component of dynamite:
a)Nitroglycerine.  b)TNT
c)Nitrobenzene.    d)Ammonium chloride
17.The total no of electrons in 1 molecule of CO2:
a)22                        b)44
c)24                         d)28

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