Tough English MCQs For Entrance Exams:

Tough English MCQs For Engineering/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences

Set 1: English

1. The right alternative for “ one who hates mankind “ is
a.      Altruist
b.     Hater
c.      Molcontent
d.     Misanthrope
      2.    Men like body structured women is called
a.      Vindictive
b.     Amazon
c.      Posthumous
d.     Mercenary
3    3.  Ring is ........ gold.
a.      Made of
b.     Made from
c.      Made up
d.     Made up of
        He has completed the graduation and .........
a.      So we have
b.     We have too
c.      We had also
d.     So we had
        5.     He valued his friendship more than he ......... mine.
a.      Has valued
b.     Had valued
c.      Valued
d.     Values
        6.     Have you finished ......... your lunch?
a.      To eat
b.     Ate
c.      To eating
d.     Eating
        7.     The family .......... planning to go on a vacation
a.      Is
b.     Are
c.      Were
d.     Has
        8.     She dare to speak,...........?
a.      Don’t she
b.     Daren't she
c.      Dare she
d.     Doesn’t she
         9.     Study of joints
a.      Desmology
b.     Arthrology
c.      Chondrology
d.     Aetiology
        10.  ........... Mt. Kilimanjaro is in ..........Africa.
a.      The , X
b.     A , the
c.      X , X
d.     The , The
         11. It is ......... who is happy.
a.      Me
b.     I
c.      Us
d.     Them
         12. It is imperative that the law ........... changed.
a.      Is
b.     Has
c.      Was
d.     Be
         13.  Are you inviting Ram ? It’s passive voice is
a.      Ram is being invited.
b.     Are Ram being invited?
c.      Is Ram being invited?
d.     Is Ram been invited?
         14. The plant received so ......... water that it dies at last.
a.      Little
b.     Less
c.      Both a and b
d.     A little

                                             Hints & solutions

     1.     d
     2.     b
Vindictive – revengeful
Posthumous – happened, done , published etc after death
Mercenary – a person who kill for money
    3.     a
Made of – physically changed
Made from – chemically changed
    4.     b
Sub + verb + too / so + verb + subject
    5 .     d
    6.     d
    7.     a
Committee , family , crowd ,jury Congress , takes singular verb
    8.     d
She daren’t speak , dare she?
    9.     b
Desmology – study of ligaments
Chondrology-study of cartilage
Aetiology/ etiology – study of cause of disease
   10. c
   11. b
be verb always takes subjective pronoun.
   12. d
   13. c
   14. a
After (so/as) we should use 'little' or 'few' 

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