What actually is ELIZA Test?

ELIZA ( Enzyme - Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)

Eliza or enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay is also known as enzyme immunoassay. It is a biochemical technique to detect and quantify compounds like antigens, antibodies and hormones.

 The amount of compound in the sample corresponds to the amount of substrate converted to colored product by enzyme-linked antibody. Eliza is a quick and sensitive method to quantify large number of samples.

 In one go Eliza has successfully replaced a radio isotope based radio amino acid or tria. It is useful to diagnose HIV, rotavirus, syphilis, Zika virus and many others.

 For ELIZA test we need a microtiter plate consisting of multiple wells coated with polystyrene which facilitates the adsorption of compound to the plate. The compound to be detected which may be an antigen, hormone or antibody, primary antibody that specifically binds to the compound.

As I'm linked secondary antibody which is specific for the primary antibody and also converts its colorless substrate to a colored product. The color produced is quantified by calorimeter. 

The intensity of color corresponds to the amount of compound in the given sample.

Three most common types of Eliza are 

  • Direct Eliza

  •  Indirect Eliza 

  •  Sandwich Eliza

 In the Direct Eliza compound is attached to the polystyrene plate. Enzyme-linked antibody is added which binds to the compound. A wash is given to remove unknown antibody. Now substrate is added which is converted by enzyme-linked antibody to produce colored product and measured by calorimeter.

 In Indirect Eliza the compound is attached to the plate. Primary antibody is added which binds to the compound. A wash is given secondary antibody which is linked to the enzyme is added which binds to the primary antibody.

 Again a quick wash is given. Now substrate is added which is converted to the colored product by the enzyme.

 Sandwich Eliza's little different. In this instead of the compound anti boarding is fixed to the plate. Now the compound is added. Its antibody specific compound is present it will bind to the antibody.
 Now primary antibody is added which binds another epitope of the compound to form a sandwich. A Vash is given, enzyme-linked secondary antibody is added which binds to the primary antibody.

 Again a wash is given. Now the substrate is added which is converted into the colored product and detected by the detector.

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