Study During Lockdown - It's Possible !

Here are TEN Smart 

Study At Home Tips :

Let's admit it schools and colleges are closed and we are feeling really really lazy. But what if I told you that there were some students that have taken up this unexpected free time and decided to make it a really productive time for themselves, but how?

HERE are ten smart study tips to study at home and some rules that have been taken from these self-motivated dudes.

Now for the ten study tips smart study at home tip number one is :  Morning Ritual 

Now when we wake up in the morning, we're all kind of slow and lazy it is very important at this time to do a few things everyday. For example sip a warm cup of water with lemon in it, water your plants, feed your pets, maybe you want to go for a walk or meditate it's important to do a couple of activities every day in silence. What this does to you is that, this helps you transition between the sleep and the work. And also remember to make your bed because that way the brain remembers that it can't just jump right back into the bed at any time.

Smart study at hometip number two:

This is so so important during this period because sometimes we even tend to forget what day of the week. Overall pick a very simple schedule but that doesn't mean you need to study all day you could study for just a few hours a day but as long as that is scheduled in your timetable you're going to be both productive and predictable.

Smart study at home tip number Three :
Have a designated Study Space

 This is my absolute favorite strategy and it's like magic. It helps me focus at any point of time of the day instantly it's very veryimportant to segregate your study space from your sleep space and your entertainment space because the environment affects us so no matter how small your houses, find that little corner where you can put a small desk for yourself where you will exclusively only study. It could even be a portable desk also don't get tempted to study on that dining table with your entire family moving around about you.Somebody sitting next to you watching television, that's a complete no-no. Now what if you have just one room and one bed on it what do you do then so I would suggest to you that you use a different part of the bed to sleep in and maybe a different corner perpendicular to where you're sleeping is. The position where you study in, but this is the key to trick your mind into saying, "hey this is the space in" which you start working. Now there are three rules for you to follow. To make this a success one is to keep the space sacred for work only so for example: I'm at my desk and I get a call from my friend I pick up my phone I go out of my room I take that call and I come back and chances are I put my phone on silent or I pick it up and I keep it away. Rule number two may this a no-phone zone and finally keep your space neat and tidy because that way the brain is able to focus more easily and there's less stress caused on account of everything that's lying around you.

Smart study at home tip number four is: 
Manage your phone 

Now your phone can either be the source of your distinction or your distraction oreven destruction now there can be only one master ask yourself are you the masterof your phone or are you its slave now there are a few simple rules that you can follow to become the master not only of your phone but also of your owndestiny rule number one avoid picking up yourphone first thing in the morning remember the morning ritual tip numberone this morning time is for self-reflection quietly tip number twokeep your phone away from your study tableideally pick it up and place it in a different room rule number three you caneven use some free apps to prevent getting distracted by your phoneand finally often you people tell me I have to study on my phone so how can Ikeep my phone away from my study room in that case make sure you put your phoneon the airplane mode before you begin studying.

Smart study at home tip number five is: To organize online study session 

Now organize these video sessions with your friends yourclassmates or even your cousins and you can even teach somebody something youcan discuss your doubts maybe you can pick up one chapter and you know readthe whole thing or you can sort one important concept and that is going tohelp you simulate a real-life classroom. 

Smart study at home tip number six is: Make notes

Now I'm sure you have some online classes. The tip here is to listen to the class at its regular speed don't try to pause and then make notes and then go back and listen to it again. That way you'll lose momentum so listen to it at the regular speed. Keep taking notes while you're listening to it that way your brain is going to be completely engaged. You're going to focus and at the end of the quick study session, you're going to comeback feeling charged up.

Smart study at home tip number seven: Afternoon Slump

 now this really isn't a tip this is a fact post-lunch many of us feel sluggish, we're not able to concentrate and that's the lowest part of our day. the first thing of course is you shut your book you shut your laptop you move away from your desk or your study room after this you can do one of two things.Either you can go to sleep take a small nap especially if you woken up very early in the morning.The other thing to do is to do something that keeps you physically active for example; fold your laundry clothes or just clear your room or your desk or maybe you want to just cook something in the kitchen. I don't knowsome chores that you have but the moment you're doing a physical activity at this time. You'll find that you may be able to solve a problem that you were struggling at when you were sitting at your desk.

Smart Study at Home Tip number Eight is called: A Doubt Sheet.

Now when you're studying and when you're in class manytimes you have a doubt and you can instantly raise your hand and ask the teacher unfortunately we don't have the luxury of doing that at home so wheneveryou face a doubt write it down on a separate sheet keep stiring note down the doubts and keep studying and at the end of the session whenever you have a planned maybe video call with your teacher or you have that online study session with your friends pull out your doubt sheet and bingo those are the questions that you need answered.

Smart Study Tip Number Nine is: One Priority Per Day 

Now don't try to do too many things in a day and preferably don't have this long to-do list decide on one thing you want to do you want to make an outline for an essay or you want to research a topic for your next presentation but whatever it is choose one thing whatever you choose as your big priority do it the night before note itdown either on your whiteboard or maybe even on a sheet of paper and leave it at your desk second thing is try to pick up this big challenging daunting task early in the day as early as possible preferably thefirst thing when you sit on your table now what happens with that is that oneyou've got the entire day to tackle the problem and be the moment you finish ityou feel a sense of satisfaction for the rest of the day sometimes we have theselittle little things to do it's not always only the big things so tackle thebig thing first thing in the morning and once you are done with that take yourlittle to-do list and start ticking off those small little items 

Smart study at home tip number 10 is: Don't study all day 

yes, yes, absolutely do not study allday this is also a good time for you to take that much-needed break perhapsyou've had a very intense academic year so it's not a bad idea for you to relax a little bit but if you have a schedule and it's a few hours of work follow the routine put away of books on your laptop and your table and in theevening plan something fun it could be a nice dinner with family it could be acall with your friends it could be a Netflix watched session but what's veryimportant is for you not to binge on Netflix perhaps all night long and sleepvery late you must sleep on time because sleep is a time and the brain regainsits energy and that makes you very productive the next day and above everything else stay healthy reward yourself for all these accomplishments and stay connected with your friends this may be a goodtime for you to become the best version of yourself don't forget to give me a comment by telling me your favorite study at home tip.

10 Smart Tips to Study at Home.

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