Zoology Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences

Set 2

1. Which of the following is not found in frog?
a.Thyroid  b. Arytenoid
c.Cricoid d. Corniculate

2. ADH is secreted by:
a.Kidney              b.Pituitary
 c.Hypothalamus d. Adrenal glands

3. Peristalsis occurs in all except:
a. Ureter               b. Aorta
 c. Oesophagus    d.Vas differentia

4. The order of protein synthesis in cell is:
a. DNA-RNA-Protein
b. RNA-DNA-Protein
c. Protein-DNA-RNA
d. RNA-Protein-DNA

5. The intermediate host of Taenia solium is:
a. Cow b. Pig c. Man d. Dog

6. Heart beat is controlled by which cranial nerve:
a. X      b. IX      c. III     d. V

7. The Total no. of paramecia formed after conjugation are:
a. 2       b. 4         c. 8        d.16

8. No. of sub-pharyngeal nerve in Earthworm:
a. 1 pair b. 2 pairs c. 3pairs d. 4pairs

9. Name the hormone that has no role in mensuration:
a. LH b. GH c. FSH d. TSH

10. Origin of birds was occurred in which period:
a. Triassic           b. Jurassic
 c. Cretaceous     d. Cenozoic

11. Which of the following antibody has only been found in mammals:
a. IgE    b.IgA    c. IgM    d. IgD

12. Reduced ear & limbs are found in:
a. Scansorial         b. Volant
c. Fossorial           d. Cursorial

13. Which of the following is not an amphibian:
a. Salamander b. Tortise c. Frog d. Toad

14. Types of pseudopodia found in amoeba is :
a. Actinopodia       b. Philopodia c.Lobopodia          d. Reticulopodia

15. Which of the following can be used as bio fertilizer:
a. Rhizobium   b. Agaricus
c. Jatropha     d. E-coli

16. Which of the following d/s is caused by protozoa:
a. Kala-azar     b. Polio
c. Tetanus        d. Rabies

17. Exoskeleton is absent in:
a. Frog b. Rabbit c. Fawl d. Scoliodon

Hints And Solutions

1.a Thyroid gland is absent in frog. 
· Four types of cartilage are found in larynx of Rabbit: a thyroid cartilage, a cricoid         cartilage & a pair of arytenoid cartilage .  
· Number of cartilage found in man is 9 ; 3 paired  & 3 unpaired . 
· Paired: Arytenoid,Corniculate & Cuneiform.
· Unpaired: Epiglottis, Thyroid & Cricoid.(@ETC)
Frog has 3 cartilages : an unpaired cricoid & a paired arytenoid cartilage.
·                     Pterohyal & sterohyal muscles help in pulmonary respiration in frog. 
2.c Hypothalamus secretes oxytocin & ADH, these are stored and released by posterior side of pituitary gland.


Smallest endocrine gland is pituitary gland.

Study of hormone is called hormonology.

First hormone discovered was secretin.

First synthesized hormone was insulin.

Pancreas is mixed /heterocrine gland.

Bridge between the nervous & endocrine system: hypothalamus

Sex hormones are secreted by adrenal cortex.

Muscles spasms is caused due to the deficiency of parathormone.

Cholecystokinin stimulate the gall bladder for rhythmic contraction.

Secretin stimulates pancreas to release the digestive juices.

Functions of hypothalamus: @(SEAT)^2

S- Sexual behavior & Sleep.

E- Emotions & Endocrine functions.

A- Autonomic functions & Appetite.

T- Body Temperature & Thirst. 
3. b Aorta 
4. a DNA-RNA-Protein  
5. b Pig
Primary host :man 
Intermediate host of Taenia saginata is cow.
6. a vagus
It is a longest ,mixed & parasympathetic cranial nerve.
7. c. 8
8. c 3 pairs
9. b GH
10. b.
First mammal evolved during Triassic period.
Cenozoic era is also known as age of mammals & birds
11.a IGE
IG-E is activated during allergic condition.
12. c.     13. b.    14. C 15.a 16. a It is caused by Laesmania donovani Other are caused by Virus.
17. a Frog


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