Zoology Frequently Asked MCQs in Entrance Exams:

Zoology Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences :


1. Number of sub-pharyngeal ganglia in earthworm is:
 a. 1 pair   b.2 pairs
 c. 3 pairs d.Only one

2. The process of reconstitution of macronucleus in paramecium without any change in macronucleus is called:
a. Cytogamy   b. Hemixis
 c. Endomixis d. Autogamy

3. Longest cell is:
a. Monocyte     b. Nerve cell
c. Lymphocyte d. Ovum

4. The study of brain & its recorded feelings is:
a. Phenology    b. Aunanology
c. Phrenology  d. Hypnology

5. Hormone that regulates metamorphosis of tadpole?
a. Thyroxin    b.Pituitary
c. ACTH           d. TSH

6. Number of spinal vertebrae in mammals is:
a. 22         b. 33
 c. 37        d. 12

7. Collagen is a fibrous protein while amylase is…….. protein.
a. Fibrous   b. Functional
c. Enzymes d. Both b & c

8. Pila belongs to:
a. Arthropoda b. Coelenterata
c. Porifera        d. Mollusca

9. Five kingdom system of classification was
given by:
a. Copeland b. Haeckel
c. Huxley     d. R.H whittaker

10.Heparin is secreted by :
A. Plasma cells b. Mast cells
c. Fibroblast     d. Histocytes

11. Connecting link between reptiles and birds;
a. Neopilina          b. Dodo
c. Archaeopteryx d. Chimaera

12. Centre for sensation of smell and sound is
located in:
A. Frontal lobe b. Temporal Lobe
c. Parietal lobe d. Occipital lobe

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