Challenging MCQs related to FROG

Frequently Asked MCQs For MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences: 

1.Amphibians are characterized by:
a. Presence of scale less, glandular moist skin
b. Presence of dermal scales on the skin
c. Amphibians living on land & water
d. Hind webbed limbs
2.Age of Amphibians was:
a. Silurian period    b. Carboniferous period
c. Devonian period  d. Permian period
3.Living cytoplasm in frog's egg is in:
a. Dark part                         b.Light part
c. Animal pole           d. Vegetal pole
4.The color of skin in amphibians is due to:
a. Chromatophores     b. Corium
c. Keratin                   d. Malanophores
5.Retention of larval character even after sexual maturity us called:
a. Parthenogenesis    b. Ontogenesis
c. Phyllogenesis        d. Neoteny
6.Reproduction in larval stage is known as:
a. Paedogenesis    b. Parthenogenesis
c. Neoteny            d. None
7.Amphibian egg is made up of:
a. 1auricle&2 ventricles
b. 2 auricles & 1 ventricle
c. 1 sinus venosus, 1 auricle & 1 ventricle
d. 2 auricle & 2 ventricle
8.Which is not found in an amphibian skin:
a. Epidermis      b. Mucous glands
c. Scales            d. Chromatophores
9.Which of the following is a Tree frog?
a. Alytes             b. Hyla 
c. Necturus         d. Rana
10.In amphibians, the heart is:
a. Venous                 b. Double circulation
c. Open circulation  d. Arterial & venous circulation
11.Vegetal pole of egg of frog consists of:
a. Yolk                          b. Pigment
c. Cerminai vesicle       d. Gray crescent
12.Archenteron is found in:
a. Blastula                      b. Morula
c. Gastrula                     d. Neurula
13.Blastopore in frog is found in:
a Gastrula                       b. Blastula
c. Cleavage                     d. Mature egg
14. On the basis of amount of yolk present, the egg of the frog is:
a. Isolecithal                       b. Microlecithal
 c. Moderately telolecithal  d. Extremely telolecithal
15.Cleavage in frog is:
a Holoblastic & unequal   b. Meroblastic
c. Holoblastic & equal      d. None
16.The second cleavage in frog egg is:
a. Vertical & meridinal  b. Subequatorial
c. Horizontal                  d. Horizontal & equatorial
17.At 16 cell embryo of frog, how many cleavage are completed:
a. 1                   b. 4               c. 8              d. 16
18.Archenteron is found in:
a. Blastula                       b. Morula
c. Gastrula                       d. Neurula
19. Hormone which regulates metamorphosis of tadpole is:
a. Pituitrin                        b. ACTH
c. Thyroxin                     d. TSH
20. During starvation in frog, urine contains more of:
a. Urea                     b.Uric acid
 c.Ketones bodies    d. None
21. Lateral line system is found in
a. Toad                     b. Frog
c.Both                      d. None
22. Tadpoles are :
a. Ophisthonephric                 b. Pronephric
c. Mesonephric                       d.Metanephric
23. From the cloacal aperture, passes out:
a.Undigested residues of food only 
b. Liquid wastes from the kidney & also faecel matter
c. Egg & sperm from reproductive organs
d. All of above
24. Frog has:
a. 5 fingers & 4 toes
b. 4 fingers & 5 toes
c.5 fingers & 5 toes
d. 4 fingers & 4 toes
25. Frog has:
a. eyes but no lids
b. jaws but no teeth
c. hands but no fingers
d. ears but no pinnae
26. Vegital hemisphere of eggs of frog consists of:
a. Pigment                                 b. Grey cresent
 c.Yolk                                       d. Germinal vesicle
27.Which of the following is absent  in frog?
a. Arytenoid cartilage                b. Thyroid cartilage
 c.Glottis                                    d. Epiglottis
28. Tail of tadpole is lost by:
a. Autotomy                           
b. Phagocytosis
c. Degeneration
d. Plastotomy
29. At the time of metamorphosis tadpole feeds on:
a. Leaves
b. Own tail
c. Zooplanktons
d. Nothing
30. In future, the blastopore forms;
a. Anus                 b. Mouth
 c. Nasal opening d. Operculum
31. Under normal circumstances, the frog is:
a. Ammonotelic             b. Aminotelic
c. Ureotelic                     d. Urocotelic
32. During hibernation, frog respires by:
a. Lungs                          b. Gills
c. Skin                            d. All

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