MCQs from Biology with Hints and Solutions.

Biology  Frequently Asked MCQs For : 

MBBS/BDS/NEET/Paramedicals/Applied Sciences              


1.Which of the following is the simplest amino acids?
          a. Proline             b. Alanine         
         c. Glycine              d. Valine
2. The end of long bones is covered by?
 a. Fibro cartilage            b. Elastic cartilage
 c. Calcified cartilage     d. Hyaline cartilage
3. The sensory receptors present on the surface of skin giving sensation of touch are?
a. Pacinian corpuscles    b. Krause end bulbs
c. Meissner's corpuscles d. Amphids
4. A boy is wearing spectacles having concave lens. When the spectacles are not in use, the image in boy's eyeball is formed :
a. At the optic disc        b. At the yellow spot
c. In the front of retina        d. Behind retina
5. Which of the following is a sex linked disease?
a. AIDS                   b. color blindness 
c. Typhoid             d. Dysentery
6. A bacteria divides once in 20 minutes. What will be the population of bacteria after 3 hours in this exponential growth of bacteria?
 a. 64                        b. 152                     
 c. 512                      d. 1024
7. Which of the following pair is characterized by the swollen lips, thick pigmentation on skin of hands, legs & irritability?
c. Nicotinamide-Pellagra
d. Iodine-Goiter
8. When a glucose solution is introduced into the small intestine of rabbit:
a. Active absorption occurs with the help of Na+ ions
b. It is passed away as faeces
c. Passive absorption of glucose occurs
d. Active absorption occurs independent of Na+
9. The organisms that can tolerate narrow range of salinity?
a. Staenohaline          b. Eurthaline    
c. Homeothermic      d. Halophilic
10. Muscles become fatigue due to the excess accumulation of: 
a. Citric acid              b. Lactic acid   
c. Acetic acid             d. Pyruvic acid
11. Number of eggs in ootheca of cockroach is?
a. 2                          b. 4       
c. 8                          d.16
12. Rectum in frog opens into:
  a. Urinary bladder      b. Cloaca      
  c. Anus                        d. Bidder's canal
13. The excretion in birds & reptiles is:
 a. Aminotellic         b. Ammonotellic     
 c. Uricotellic           d. Urotellic
14. The metal present in the haemoglobin is:
 a. Iron(I)             b. Iron(II)        
  c. Iron(III)         d. Iron(IV)
15. The metamorphosis in frog's tadpole is delayed by: 
a. Thyroxin             b. Thiourea          
c. Cortisone             d. Aldosterone
16. A person inhabiting in the environment of high atmospheric pressure develops which respiratory disorder:
a. Pulmonary oedema     b. Embolus 
c. Emphysema                   d. Bronchitis
17. Which of the following is a true about amoeba?
 a. Negative to gravity                             
 b. Negative to dim light
 c. Positive to temperature                              d. positive to solid object in contact slowly
18. Success of animals in their habitat is due to:
a. Natality                        b. Food   
c. Adaptability       d.Interspecific relations
19. Which of the following experiment is impossible in absence of virus?
a. Conjugation               b. Translation
c. Transformation        d. Transduction
20. Malacophily means pollination by:
 a. Birds                             b. Snakes   
 c. Snails                            d. Bats
21. Bacteria can't grow in honey because  a. Honey contains antibiotics
b. They get suffocation
c. They get plasmolysed
d. They can't respire
22. The rate of nitrogen fixation depends on the soil...?
a.pH                                 b. Temperature
c. Water                           d. Air
23. Which of the following is a  pentose sugar?
a. Glucose                  b. Sucrose     
c. Arabinose             d. Dextrose
24. Tuberous root is modified
 a. Taproot               b. Adventitious root 
 c. Fibrous root       d.Bulb
25. The Sunflower is covered by:
a. Epicalyx                b. Calyx                 
c. Leaf                        d. Corolla

                                                 HINTS & SOLUTIONS
1.Ans: c

  • Glycine is the simplest amino acid while Tryptophen is the most complex.
  • All proteins are laevo-rotatory(show the property of rotating the plane of a polarized light ray to the left)
  • Proline are imino-acids.
  • All amino acids  show optical isomerism except glycine .
2.Ans: d

  • Most abundant cartilage in the body: Hyaline cartilage. 
  • Fibrous cartlage is the strongest cartilage. 
3. Ans: c

  • Meissner's corpuscle are pressure receptors & present in the dermis. 
4. Ans: c

  • Myopia: short-sightedness
  • Hypermetropia-long-sightedness
5. Ans:b

  • X-linked d/s:colorblindness, Myopia, Haemophilia. 
  • Pleitropic: eye color of Drosophila, Seed coat color of pea
  • Polygenic inheritance: Skin color, Height
6. Ans: c
In every 20 min, it doubles.
Thus no. of times it doubles=180/20=9 times
Number of bacteria after 3 hrs: 2^9=512
Deficiency :        Diseases

  • Vit. A                  Night blindness, xeropthalmia
  • Vit. B1                 Beri-Beri
  • Vit. B2                 Cheilosis & Stomatitsis
  • Vit.D                     Rickets, Osteomalcia
8. Ans: a
Water is mainly absorbed in small intestine.
9. Ans:a

  • Euryhaline: which can tolerate wide range of salinity. 
  • Stenohaline:ehich can tolerate narrow range of salinity. 
10. Ans:b
Accumulation of lactic acid makes muscles fatigue(coris cycle).
11. Ans:d
Eggs are present in two rows of 8 each(8*2 =16 eggs)
12. Ans:b
  • Rectum opens into cloaca. 
  • Urethra is urinogenital in both male  & female 
  • Bidder's canal are found in kidneys of frog. 
13. Ans:c
  • Excretion in aquatic organisms: ammonotelic
  •  Excretion in birds & reptiles : uricotellic
  • Frog during hibernation : uricotellic
14. Ans: b

  • Haemoglobin: Fe++
  • Metanoglobin:Fe+++
15. Ans:a

  • Thyroxine promotes metamorphosis while Thiourea inhibits metamorphosis. 
  • In absence of throxine, it remains in tadpole stage only. 
16. Ans:b
  • Emphysema: Lungs problem caused due to shortness of breathe. 
17. Ans: d
18. Ans:d
  • Ecological niche: certain role, functions & habitat of every organism in an ecosystem
  • Ecotone: Transistion zone between two communities 
  • Estuary: Transition zone between fresh water & marine. 
  • Smog is a mixture of smoke & fog. 
  • Lianas: woody climbers in Tropical rainforest. 
  • Ethnology: study of divisions of human mankind
  • Etiology: study of cause of a disease. 
19. Ans:d
  • Transduction was discovered by Zinder & Lederberg. 
  • Virus acts as intermediate agent in Transduction. 
  • Transformation was discovered by Griffith. 
  • Hepatitis A is the most stable virus. 
  • Most mutable virus : HIV 
  • Most resistant virus: TMV
  • Interferons inhibits virus replication. 
20. Ans:c
  • Macophily: by Molluscans
  • Myrmecophily: by Ants
  • Melitophily: by Bees
  • Chirepterophily : by Bats
21. Ans:c
Bacteria get plasmolysed when they are kept in hypertonic solution. 
22. Ans:d
23. Ans:c
25.Ans: c. 

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