History of Immunology
Immunology is simply defined as the study of immune system and is a very important branch of
veterinary, medical sciences. Though people of ancient world didn’t know about the molecular science behind immunity but they still knew about it’s concept. For example Ancienct Chinese used to inhale the powder prepared from the lesions of small pox which helped them provide immunity against Small pox. The level of development in immunology has reached a remarkable height. Here is a brief of the history of immunology:
S.N. |
Time |
Discovery & Discoverer |
1. |
5th B.C. |
Thucydides mentioned the term “immunity”. |
2. |
1798 |
Edward jenner discovered vaccine against Small pox. |
3. |
1879 |
Louis Pasteur developed Vaccine against Fowl Cholera. |
4. |
1881 |
Louis Pasteur developed Vaccine against Anthrax. |
5. |
1885 |
Louis Pasteur developed Vaccine against Rabies |
6. |
1880 |
Metchnikoff discovered Phagocytes. |
7. |
1890 |
Von Behring & Kitaso discovered anti-toxins for Diptheria and
tetanus. |
8. |
1900 |
Paul Ehrlich gave Antibody formation theory (Side chain theory). |
9. |
1903 |
Sir Almoth Wright discovered Opsonization. |
10. |
1912 |
Bacile ,Clamatte & Guerin gave BCG vaccine against Tuberculosis. |
11. |
1934 |
John Marrack gave Antibody binding Hypotheis. |
12. |
1936 |
Grover discovered Major Histocompatibility Test (MHC). |
13. |
1948 |
Fagreus discovered antibody production in B cells. |
14. |
1957 |
Isaac & lindenmann discovered Interferon. |
15. |
1983 |
Kary Mullis discovered PCR. |