Novel Protein Sources, Digestibility and Feed Contamination

Nature and properties of novel protein resources.

Major conventional sources of protein in the diet in developing and developed countries are cereals, meat, Pulses, milk and dairy, fish, seafood, oil crops, vegetables, starchy roots, eggs, offals, fruit; but they will not be sufficient enough in next decades. So it’s very important to search the alternative sources of good quality of protein for human consumption.

Some novel protein sources like insects, algae, duckweed, microbial protein, my coprotein, leaf protein, and rapeseed are expected to enter in food market as replacers for animal‐derived proteins. A wide variety of vegetarian alternatives is also available on the market like seitan, tofu, soy meat, tempeh, Quorn and meatless based on lupins, canola. However, food safety aspects of these alternative sources of protein are not well‐known.

1. Mycoprotein:

Mycoprotein is a form of single-cell protein, also known as fungal protein. The nutritional value of mycoprotein, is found to be comparable with eggs in amino acid composition, but contained no cholesterol and had a substantial fiber content. Mushrooms are one of the most common fungi which can be used as the source of protein as they have the high protein content, usually around 20-30% by dry weight.


2. Single Cell Protein

The center of attention has shifted towards microbes as food sources for consumption as single cell protein (SCP). Currently, SCP is being produced from many species of microorganisms like algae, fungi, and bacteria. It is suitable to use fungi and bacteria for the production of SCP when grown on economical waste products. Their quick growth and high protein content have made them the major sources of SCP.


3. Leaf Protein Extract

 Now a day’s researcher processed study to extract protein from various fresh leaves of plants. The protein content of the dried product from the sources is about 50-70%. The major problem face during leaf protein production its keeping quality, shelf life, acceptability, and taste.

The amino acid profile of leaf protein concentrate indicates that it is nutritionally superior to most cereal and legume seed proteins; it can also compare positively with animal proteins except egg and milk.


4. Insects Edible

Insects contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans. Insects, a traditional food in many parts of the world, are highly nutritious and especially rich in proteins and thus represent a potential food and protein source.


From total nitrogen content of insects, approximately 93% is unbound. The biological quality of insect protein is good, having chemical scores from amino acid profiles, compared to the WHO/FAO/UNU pattern, that range from 10% to 96%. The calcium, iron, and potassium contents are higher than those of most food products of vegetable and animal origin. Insects are also rich in vitamins of the B group such as niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. Thus, insects have the potential to improve people's diet by significantly contributing to their protein intake and by reducing deficiencies of minerals and vitamins.



Digestibility and basic precautions to be taken for digestion experiments.


Digestibility refers to the amount of nutrient absorbed by the individual and is generally calculated as the amount of nutrient consumed minus the amount of nutrient retained in the feces.

1.       The initial step is to determine the total amount of feed stuff consumed and the concentration of specific nutrient in feedstuff. One method to measure the total amount consumed is, individually feed the animal and to measure the amount fed and amount refused for each animal.

2.       Next step is to determine the total amount of feces excreted and the concentration of specific nutrient in the feces. Another method is to collect and measure the total amount of feces excreted. Measurements are expressed on dry matter basis to correct for references in moisture contents.


3.       Finally, the values are put into following formula shown in figure:


The types of Digestibility are:


1. True digestibility: It is measured as the difference between intake and faecal output, with allowance being made for that parts of the faeces that is not derived from undigested food residue (shed cells of the intestinal tract, bacteria , residues of digestive juices). True digestibility is always higher than apparent if any metabolic or endogenous components are extracted in faeces.

2. Apparent digestibility: It is simply the difference between intake-feed and the output.

An additional method to measure apparent digestibility of a nutrient is by using a marker or indicator. Add indigestible marker to feed e.g. Chromic oxide. Measure its concentration in feed and feces, estimate disappearance of marker from gut.

 There are two types of markers which are being used for digestibility in ruminants.

1- Internal markers which are compounds inherent to feed stuff such as lignin.

2- External markers which are compounds supplemented to the feed stuff such as chromic oxide.

NOTE: The marker must be an inert compound.

The following equation is used to determine apparent digestibility of a nutrient.

Digestibility (%) =


The precautions to be taken for digestion experiments are:

1. During selection of animals, animals with similar age, body weight and sex should be preferred (Males are preferred more).

2. For feed selection maintenance roughage and concentrates should be given. Likewise concentrates should not be more than 33%.

3. Duration of experiment must be sufficient:

i.e. Adaptation for trial: 7 days

       Starvation period: 24 hours

        Trial period: 7 days

4. Record of the feed provided, refused and excreta must be properly maintained.

5. Sample subjected to proximate analysis should be analyzed carefully.

6. For digestion trial of non-maintenance type of fodder indirect method should be preferred.

7. Method of preservation of forage also affects the digestion trial.

8. If the level of feeding is increased, digestibility of the animal decreases. This should be considered.

9. Feed low in fiber are equally well digested by ruminants and non-ruminants but more fibrous feeds are better digested by ruminants.

nutritive value and chemical composition.


Nutritive value is generally determined by feed composition, intake and utilization efficiency of digested matter. Thus, the value of a feed depends on chemical composition, digestibility, intake and efficiency.



Chemical Composition

Nutritive Value


It is the general composition of feedstuffs categorized into different components.

It is evaluated by feeding animals.


They are direct estimated values.

They are indirect and apparent value.


It is evaluated by feeding animals.

It is just general composition of feedstuff.


It is laboratory process.

Sometimes it lacks real estimates


It contributes to nutritive value.

It depends on composition, intake and utilization efficiency.


Eg: CP, EE, CF, Ash, NDF.



Feed contaminants and their remedial measures.


Feed contaminant is a substance which is not intentionally added to food / feed, but is present in food as a result of production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packaging, transport or holding of such food or as a result of environmental contamination.


1.   Microbiological contamination

High-protein feed is particularly vulnerable to contamination as it provides a very favorable environment for Salmonella. Contaminated feed can cause infections in animals. This is particularly problematic in the case of livestock as Salmonella may get into the animals’ milk, eggs or meat via smear infection. In addition to Salmonella, other bacteria as well as yeasts and molds can also cause contamination in animal feed. Monitoring of pathogenic microorganisms and the total bacteria count is therefore an important task in the manufacture of animal feed.

2.   Residues

Meat that is used to produce animal feed is subject to strict controls, just as meat for human consumption. Nevertheless, it may occur that residues of hormones, antibiotics or veterinary drugs are present in the meat. ELISA tests can detect a large number of such substances in a timely manner. Furthermore, residues of plant protection products (pesticides) or fertilizers (nitrate) may get into animal feed. Maximum residue limits (MRLs) are established in the EU.


3.   Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by molds. They can cause growth and fertility disorders in animals even in low concentrations. Cereals are frequently infected by molds and may therefore be contaminated. Mycotoxins can be detected quickly and easily on-site by means of lateral flow tests. Through extensive controls and preventive measures, mycotoxins rarely occur in animal feed nowadays.

4.   Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

Soy meal, widely used in feed production, is often made from genetically modified soybeans. Corn, canola and rice often originate from genetically modified crops, too. Various GMOs are approved in the EU, but they must be declared starting from a threshold of 0.9 %. Manufacturers producing GMO-free feed must test their products accordingly. The method of choice for this is real-time PCR.

5.   Heavy metals

Heavy metals can be harmful for humans and animals and may cause chronic poisoning. They get into feed via soils, fertilizers or additives. Particularly lead has repeatedly been detected in animal feed. For various metals, maximum levels are established in the EU and Feed regulation Acts. So these contamination must be carefully monitored and taken in care.

6.   Dioxins

Dioxins are organic pollutants that accumulate in the environment and occur ubiquitously in soils, waters, plants and animals.

Contaminated animal feed above background levels should be identified and, where necessary, excluded from entering in the food chain. To reduce dioxins contamination in the environment, national authorities should prevent uncontrolled burning of wastes, including the burning of landfill sites or backyard burning, and the use of PCB treated wood for domestic heaters. Areas with unacceptable dioxins contamination in the soil, water and air should be identified and controlled. If necessary, agricultural production should be avoided or restricted.


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