Learn some ideas to prevent HEART ATTACK:
Across the globe heart diseases are the number one cause of death. An estimated 70.9 million people die each year from a cardiovascular disease. This accounts for an estimated 31 percent of all deaths worldwide of these deaths 85% are due to heart attack. Attacks and strokes while there are some genetic factors that play a role in these statistics.
What are the Causes?
The most common causes of these diseases are the consequences of the lifestyles people choose to live by a study showed that five simple lifestyle factors, like eating healthily regular exercise getting rid of fat reduced drinking habits and quitting smoking can combine to prevent 80% of first time heart attacks smoking or using tobacco of any kind is one of the most If it can't risk factors for heart attacks and other heart diseases.
When it involves heart condition prevention no amount of smoking is safe generally . The rule is straightforward the more you smoke the greater your risk and one study men who had either never smoked or who had quit smoking a minimum of 20 years prior to the beginning of the study had a 36 percent lower chance of a first-time heart attack chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels leading to narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup known as atherosclerosis, which can ultimately lead to Heart attack.
Being overweight especially if you carry excess weight around your abdomen increases your risk of a heart attack by a significant amount. In one study participants whose waste lines measured less than ninety five centimeters, which is about 38 inches over the course of the trial had a 12% lower risk of a first-time heart attack when compared with men who had more belly fat. Excess weight also leads to conditions that increase your chances of heart condition , including high vital sign high cholesterol and diabetes.
What are the Prevention Measure?
Getting some regular daily exercise can help you control your weight and reduce your risk of a heart attack in general. You should do moderate exercise like walking at a Brisk pace for about half-hour on most days of the week for even more health benefits aim for 300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly .
And once you combine physical activity with other lifestyle measures like maintaining a healthy diet that payoff is even greater one study showed that individuals with the very best score for a healthy diet had an 18 percent lower risk of attack than those that didn't eat as healthily these healthy diets included foods like fruits vegetables legumes nuts reduced fat dairy products whole grains and fish so as to scale back your risk of heart attacks.
You should also limit Alcohol consumption according to one study drinking in moderation cut the risk of a first-time Heart Attack by about 11% drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure. It also adds extra calories, which may cause weight gain both of these factors increase your risk of heart disease.
Oh and here's another tip mind your blood sugar too much sugar in your blood can damage your arteries this happens with pre-diabetes as well as with diabetes work with your doctor to control your blood sugar levels.
This may lower your chance of having a heart attack or a stroke.
Stress is linked to heart disease and many ways.
For instance. It can raise your vital sign extreme stress are often a trigger for a attack to form matters. Worse. Some common ways of coping with stress such as overeating heavy drinking and smoking are also bad for your heart.
So try to find ways to manage your stress in a healthy way that prevents you from getting too worked up or pursuing unhealthy habits.

Most importantly try to have regular check-ups, even if you are living a healthy lifestyle our bodies can be unpredictable keeping tabs on your blood sugar weight and overall body functions will help you take better care of your heart and get the most out of it.
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