25 Weired Phobias- Strange Phobias

 Some fears are something different.
Life is much more challenging when you are afraid of buttons or falling in love.

Here's a list of 25 bizarre and unique phobias you won't believe exist number:



25.  Acribophobia 

Acribophobia is the fear of not being able to understand what you're reading at the moment The name of this phobia is built from two Greek words  Akribo, which means know for sure and phobos, fear.

24hexa cozy hexa Khanda hexa phobia 

Those who fear number 666 . The number of the beast have hexaco see hexa, Kunda hexa phobia 

23Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalio phobia

This phobia is so hard to pronounce it speaks for itself Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Is the fear of long words. People who suffer from it most definitely failed in a spelling bee Competition as kids or maybe something else not so terrible happened to them.

22. Gnosophobia 

Gnosophobia is the fear of knowledge. Gnosis means knowledge in Greek.
Knowledge is power and some people are afraid of being too powerful. They will most likely avoid visiting a library reading books at home watching TV or learning new things from the internet. 70% of agnosia phobes live in large cities. This phobia is also typical for feral kids who grew up outside of human society 

21. Hydrosophobia 

Hydra so phobia is a fear of sweating and catching a cold or a fear of becoming a source of unpleasant odour.
The word consists of two parts of Greek origin.

 Hydro, means sweat and phobia stands for fear in some extreme cases Hydrosophobes also fear other people's sweat. Those who have this phobia probably envy the birds Rabbits and pigs why because they don't sweat.

20. Dextraphobia 

Dextra phobia is the fear of objects on the right side of the body. The word dextro in its name is of latin origin and means to the right. The reason for this fear is obsessive-compulsive personality. 

19. Dorophobia 

 This term is used to define the fear of receiving or making gifts.
 The Greek word for gifts is thought doron so this is where the name of this phobia comes from.


18. Koumpounophobia

People who have Koumpounophobia try to avoid clothes with buttons for them.

 even the thought Mentioned or sight of buttons can cause an anxiety attack 

The word Koumpounophobia is of Greek origin Koumpouno -  means beans as the ancient Greeks used beans instead of buttons


 17. Lachanophobia 

Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables the name comes from Greek Lachano,  meaning vegetables. People who suffer from it cannot stand the sight or smell of vegetables.


16. Nephophobia 

It is the fear of Nephos clouds in greek.
Both in real life and in photos. Over time it can take other forms and transform into fear of fog or even air.

 15. Omphalophobia

Omphalophobia is the fear of bellybuttons.

The name is built of greek words, Omphalo means navel and phobia.

Bellybutton is often associated with a navel string and the mother's womb. Some people falsely believe that playing with their bellybutton and accidentally tapping it can kill you.People with this fear try not to touch their bellybutton when taking a bath.

 14. Ombrophobia 

 It is the fear of rain which is ombros in greek. People who suffer from it never miss a weather report even the thought of rain or a mention of it in the forecast makes them anxious.

When the first raindrops fall, they get a panic attack and seek shelter. 

13. Pantheraphobia 

Panthera phobia is the fear of Mother-in-law.

The Panthera part of this phobias name does not stand for panther it means mother-in-law. The tensions between a man and his mother-in-law might be a popular subject of jokes but panthera phobia is no joke for those who experience it.

12. Pogonophobia

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. Pogon means beard in greek and phobia is fear as we know.

11. Papathophobia

Papathophobia is the fear of the Pope or Papa. 

In ancient Greek it is quite a rare phenomenon closely related to herophobia, fear of priests or holy things.

10. Trypophobia 

Trypophobia is the fear of cluster of holes. The name consists of greek Tripa meaning hole and Phobos meaning fear.

9. Chairophobia

Chairophobia from Greek meaning to be pleased and joyful is the fear of laughing in an inappropriate environment.For example: Funeral.


8. Cronophobia 

Cronophobia is the fear of time.

People who suffer from it cannot enjoy life to the fullest as they are focused on the flow of time.
We all know we cannot stop it or go back but some of us find this idea unbearable.


 7. Philophobia 

Philophobia originates from Greek Pilos, loving of beloved and phobia for fear. People with filler phobia avoid falling in love or having a relationship.

6. Deipnophobia 

It is the fear of dinner parties. The word Deipnophobia was built out from Greek dipno for dinner and Phobos for fear.

5. Punctumophobia 

It is a fear of getting a message with a dot at the end. The absence of a smiley at the end of the line means that the conversation is too serious or that the other party answered too sharply

 4. Retrophobia

 It is the fear of making a mistake in a word or not noticing an autocorrect.

It comes from the Latin word, Retro meaning cross reference. You have to double check what you wrote several times.


3. Emojiphobia 

It is the fear of being misunderstood using emoticons or stickers. The person in this case is frightened of the fact that the cat or a winking face was seen as something frivolous.

2. Selfie Phobia 

It is a fear of bad selfies. A Person can go nuts trying to take a perfect shot of themselves in fact it can lead to sad Consequences and accidents.

 1. Ignorophobia

It is the fear that the message was viewed but not responded to.

 It is now in to many of us. We think we did something wrong if the person we messaged says nothing back.


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