Which of the following is not found in frog?

Which of the following is not found in frog?

Answer : a
Hints & Solutions:

Thyroid gland is absent in frog. 

  • Four types of cartilage are found in larynx of Rabbit: a thyroid cartilage, a cricoid cartilage & a pair of arytenoid cartilage .  
  • Number of cartilage found in man is 9 ; 3 paired  & 3 unpaired . 

  • Paired: Arytenoid,Corniculate & Cuneiform.

  •  Unpaired: Epiglottis, Thyroid & Cricoid.(@ETC)

  • Frog has 3 cartilages : an unpaired cricoid & a paired arytenoid cartilage.

  • Pterohyal & sterohyal muscles help in pulmonary respiration in frog.

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